V12 Marketing - Instagram Shop DEVELOPMENT Oct.23.2023

Get The Most Of Your Instagram Shop With These Tips

In the fast-paced world of social media, Instagram stands out as a platform that continually evolves to meet the needs of its diverse user base. One of the standout features that has transformed the way businesses connect with their customers is Instagram Shopping. 🛍️ With the introduction of product shops and a seamless shopping experience, […]

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V12 Marketing - Optimizing LinkedIn MARKETING Oct.05.2023

Socially Optimized: 6 Easy Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn Company Page

LinkedIn corporate pages may be a great way to communicate your brand’s ideas and display your products and services to your ideal clients. It gives you a place to interact with your followers, publish updates, and even hire the top prospects for your staff. With over 722 million LinkedIn members in over 200 countries and […]

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V12 Marketing - Twitter MARKETING Aug.17.2023

X: What We Know About Twitter’s New Name And Platform Changes

The program that was originally known as Twitter announced that it will be changing its name a month ago, and the internet has been buzzing ever since.  X.com has been redirected to Twitter.com; the company’s offices now have a flashing X where there used to be a bird emblem; and the app can now be […]

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V12 Marketing - ROI MARKETING May.12.2023

How to Measure The ROI Of Your Marketing Campaigns

Marketing campaigns are an essential aspect of any business’s success. They help increase brand awareness, drive sales, and ultimately increase revenue.  However, determining the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing campaigns can be challenging, especially if you don’t know where to start. In this blog post, we will discuss how to measure the ROI […]

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V12 Marketing Cold Emails Analytics Mar.02.2023

Facebook Ad Strategy: 5 Ideas To Use In Your Facebook Campaigns

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users. As such, it presents an enormous opportunity for businesses of all sizes to reach a vast and diverse audience. However, simply having a presence on Facebook is not enough to guarantee success.  To make the most of the […]

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V12 Marketing Cold Emails Email Marketing Solutions Jan.25.2023

When To Send Your Cold Emails

Timing is crucial when it comes to marketing. The success of your campaigns can be greatly impacted by knowing when to send your cold emails.  But first, do you know what a “Cold Email” is? ✉️ A cold email is an unsolicited email sent to contacts or potential customers. It is an efficient technique to […]

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V12 Marketing - Reputation Management MARKETING

3 Ways To Protect Your Brand Reputation On The Web

What do you typically do before agreeing to buy a company’s services? Of course! – You conduct an online search. Your online reputation has become just as important for your personal brand as anything else. If you take care of it, then it will also take care of everything else for you and allow for […]

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V12 Marketing - Youtube Shorts Social Media Marketing Jan.05.2023

YouTube Shorts: A Tool To Grow Your Business

YouTube Shorts are short, vertical videos created using a smartphone and uploaded directly to YouTube from YouTube apps like Reels and TikToks.  Very trendy for all creators, but it will be just as effective as on the platforms, and if you should integrate it into your marketing plan. Let’s explore it right now. 🔍 Launched […]

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