Google Ads and PPC Ads are an incredibly effective method of driving new, relevant traffic to your website. But, with so many new tools, advertising platforms, and other ways of netting new web traffic, is digital advertising still worth the investment?
TLDR: We say yes, but it’s important to make the most of your budget to get the best return on investment.
Check out the tips below from our team:
1. Search Query Reporting 📊
Keyword reporting and search query reporting are two of the most important ways to optimize a Google Ads account.
And surprisingly, most advertisers leave this effort out when reviewing campaigns. Search Query Reporting allows an account manager to visualize which phrases users are searching that trigger an ad, which in turn accumulate clicks, using valuable budget funds.
When reviewing SQR, it’s important to look for not just irrelevant keywords to add to negative search lists, but also top performers, outliers, and rising stars.
2. Automated Budget Rules 🤖
When managing Google Ads, budgeting is often a concern for advertisers.
Common questions like, “Is there a minimum spend?” or “What happens if we hit our budget limit,” are often concerns of new advertisers. These issues are easily covered by setting up automated budget rules.
This allows an account to spend any amount over the course of the month, as little or as much as needed to meet marketing goals.
3. Single Keyword Ad Groups 📝
Are Single Keyword Ad Groups still relevant in 2021? Yes!
Many advertisers find themselves using Google’s automatic campaign setup features. This can be a great way to get started but often doesn’t provide the same level of performance that a more custom account architecture will. Single Keyword Ad Groups are a simple concept. Basically, instead of lumping keyword groups into Ad Groups, each individual keyword is placed into its own Ad Group.
This allows for greater control over bids, ad copy, and keyword selection. However, this does create a much larger account to manage, and even the smallest account using a SKAG account structure will grow in size and complexity significantly.
Bonus: Setup automated reports to Google Sheets to capture data for ongoing and future use! This makes analysis much easier and therefore, gets better results!
Ready to get started on your own Google Ads account? Get a FREE consultation from the V12 Marketing team here! Or, you can learn more about our Pay Per Click Advertising Services here.