V12 Marketing Now Accepting Bitcoin As Payment Method

V12 Marketing Bitcoin Payment Acceptance

It’s official! You can now pay for V12 Marketing services using your favorite cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.

We’ve long supported Bitcoin and blockchain technology, but we decided it’s a great time to take this support public.

In addition to accepting the P2P tech to pay invoices, we are also making some additional efforts to show support:

  • The V12 Marketing website is now hosting the Bitcoin Whitepaper PDF here
  • We are setting up a local Bitcoin Node to support the decentralized payment network using a Raspberry Pi
  • V12 Marketing will provide consulting and project management services to assist clients onboard Bitcoin as a payment method for their business, and give them the resources and training to ensure they are safely accepting cryptocurrency as payment, as well as storing it
  • We will soon be offering more robust cryptocurrency-related services, such as integrating non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into marketing campaigns
  • V12 Marketing has just purchased the domain, v12marketing.crypto for future development
  • And much more to come!

You can read the full release on Yahoo Finance here.

Are you interested in accepting Bitcoin for your business? Just contact us, and get a free consultation for your business!